Sailing & Meditation

Sailing & Meditation

Sailing & Meditation«There are often more ship­wrecked things at the bot­tom of a soul than at the bot­tom of the sea. » Vic­tor Hugo Recon­nect with your sens­es at sea Take to the water and enjoy a yoga and med­i­ta­tion ses­sion aboard a cata­ma­ran off the...
Sailing & History

Sailing & History

Sailing & History« The sail­ing ships dis­cov­ered the world, and they car­ry many leg­ends in their wake. » Olivi­er de Ker­sauson Sto­ry­telling in the Mediter­ranean A trip at sea on a cata­ma­ran : a sto­ry­telling jour­ney around the myths and leg­ends of the...