About us

Elodie, nature guide and urban storyteller

Elodie is the founder of Reisetrip. Nature walk leader and tour guide, she has a mas­ter’s degree in for­eign lan­guages and I is enti­tled to work as a tour guide since 2020 where she got her licence.

Orig­i­nal­ly from the Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, she spent part of her life between Tunisia, France and Switzer­land, and she’s trav­elled a lot, vis­it­ing over 30 coun­tries. She inher­it­ed her love of nature and sail­ing from her father, for­mer mem­ber of the French Alpine Club (CAF) and a ama­teur scu­ba div­er.

After a peri­od in Paris work­ing in audio­vi­su­al trans­la­tion, she became a tour leader between 2016 and 2018.

She prac­tis­es well-being dis­ci­plines with her moth­er intro­duc­ing her to the tech­niques and today she’s con­vinced of their ben­e­fits. She needs to be immersed in nature, take the time to breath in the sur­round­ings and let her­self be trans­port­ed. She wants to share this pas­sion and raise aware­ness among peo­ple about the knowl­edge and ben­e­fits of plants and yoga for the body and mind.

She’s also com­mit­ted to pro­tect­ing the envi­ron­ment, and her aim is to pro­vide infor­ma­tion in favour of organ­ic farm­ing and the work of farm­ers and inform­ing the pub­lic of for­mer indus­tri­al sites that are being rede­vel­oped.

The ReiseTrip Tours concept

ReiseTrip Tours is a jux­ta­po­si­tion of the Ger­man word “reisen” = “jour­ney” and the Eng­lish word “trip”.

The con­cept ? To organ­ise immer­sive excur­sions and walks in Provence com­bin­ing cul­ture, nature and well-being, thanks to exclu­sive part­ner­ships.

Elodie works togeth­er with crafts­men, farm­ers, skip­pers and yoga instruc­tors.

Each tour is avail­able in four lan­guages: Ger­man, Eng­lish, French, Ital­ian and Span­ish.

ReiseTrip Tours is com­mit­ted to sus­tain­able, local and respon­si­ble tourism, focused on the well-being of par­tic­i­pants.
Expe­ri­ence med­i­ta­tive walks on coastal paths, hike in the foot­steps of Cézanne in the hills of Provence, dis­cov­er organ­ic farm­ing in Haute-Provence, learn to recog­nise wild plants on botan­i­cal walks, redis­cov­er the nat­ur­al her­itage of the sub­urbs, and be swept away by sto­ry­telling on a sail­boat as you soak up the myths and leg­ends of Provence.

Get to know our region’s nat­ur­al and cul­tur­al her­itage, learn about its ecosys­tems while you recon­nect with your sens­es.

Partners & Collaborators

They’re talking about us…

Our wellness, culture and nature walks cited in 2 magazines

Two well-known well­ness mag­a­zines, Hap­pinez and Sim­ple Things, pub­lished an arti­cle about our immer­sive excur­sions such as the “yoga and hik­ing” out­ings in the Calan­ques and the “Cézanne hike” in the painter’s foot­steps.
They high­light­ed our beau­ti­ful paren­the­ses which allow you to recon­nect with your sens­es and take care of your­self while redis­cov­er­ing the nat­ur­al her­itage with respect for nature and humans. Why not also test our con­scious walks?

Interview by Maritima Médias

31 jan­vi­er 2023

Short inter­view with Gilles Fenech, pre­sen­ter, pro­duc­er and pro­mo­tion man­ag­er at Mar­iti­ma medias, about the yoga hikes I offer in the Calan­ques, Côte Bleue and Etang de Berre.
The inter­view took place on 31 Jan­u­ary at 11.30am on the “Etang de Berre” radio chan­nel.

I talk briefly about my ReiseTrip Tours con­cept and how the yoga and tast­ing out­ings work.

Deutschlandfunk radio report on the south of France

Broad­cast on 15 Jan­u­ary 2023

A jour­nal­ist from Deutsch­land­funk, Peter Meisen­berg, inter­viewed me for his report on Paul Cézanne and Aix-en-Provence, broad­cast on the pro­gramme Son­ntagss­pazier­gang (The Sun­day Walk).

Philippe Cézanne, Paul’s great-grand­son, takes you on a walk around the Cezanne fam­i­ly farm­house named Jas de Bouf­fan, then I take over as tour guide in the heart of the Bibe­mus quar­ries in the scrub­lands, to talk to you about paint­ing en plein air, so cher­ished by the Impres­sion­ists. The pro­gramme lasts 80′ and I’m on at the 63 minute mark.

Eine Reportage über Paul Cézanne & den Steinbruch Bibemus

Son­ntag, den 15. Jan­u­ar, wurde im DLF „Son­ntagss­pazier­gang“ eine Reportage über Paul Cézanne & den Stein­bruch Bibe­mus gesendet. Ich habe als Reise­fūhrerin unseren Jour­nal­ist geführt. Peter Meisen­berg hat mich zum The­ma Paul Cézanne & das Licht des Südens inter­viewt, Mitte in den üppi­gen Nation­al­Park, wo die Ock­er-Stein­bruch ste­hen, bei Aix-en-Provence.
Philippe Cézanne der Urenkel vom Mahler, hat auch Peter durch das Jas de Bouf­fan, die ehe­ma­li­gen Fam­i­lienvil­la geführt. Eine Spazier­gang für die Seele, Frankre­ich- und Impres­sion­is­ten Lieb­haber.

The Bibemus quarries on France 3 Provence Alpes

Broad­cast on 12 Octo­ber 2022

Tele­vi­sion report of 6 Min­utes in the heart of the Bibe­mus stone quar­ry. Inter­view of David Camp­bell, sculp­tor and stone carv­er, Jérôme géol­o­gist and Elodie Marie tour guide.

“Taking ownership of the French language and heritage through public speaking”

Inter­view with Marie-Cécile Dré­court, fol­low­ing the pub­lic pre­sen­ta­tion by stu­dents from the UP2A ((Teach­ing Unit for New­ly Arrived Allo­phone Stu­dents) class at the Lycée Maria Casarès in Avi­gnon, organ­ised in con­junc­tion with Fort Saint-André, fol­low­ing 30 hours of pub­lic speak­ing work­shops with the Elo­quen­tia asso­ci­a­tion, on the theme of cul­tur­al her­itage. It was a real achieve­ment, giv­en that glos­so­pho­bia is the 3rd most wide­spread fear. The stu­dents, who came from dif­fer­ent coun­tries and back­grounds, took the micro­phone in French, the lan­guage they had just learned. Lis­ten to their tes­ti­monies.

Lavalduc, the salt pond walk

La Mar­seil­laise, 30 August 2022

Arti­cle of the news­pa­per La Mar­seil­laise, about one of the eco-tours organ­ised in part­ner­ship with the tourist office of Istres and ReiseTrip Tours. A guid­ed walk around the Laval­duc pond, to learn about the his­to­ry of this fas­ci­nat­ing for­mer salt pond with pink­ish reflec­tions and salt crys­tals.

From the Berre pond to the Provençal scrublands with ReiseTrip Tours

Lis­ten to the inter­view with Cédric Fré­mi to find out more about our nat­ur­al Proven­cal ter­ri­to­ry and learn about botany.
Tour guide Élodie Marie takes us on a stroll around the Etang de Berre (Berre pond) home to a thou­sand trea­sures. This nature guide, founder of ReiseTrip Tours, has a wide range of tours in her port­fo­lio, includ­ing botan­i­cal walks to dis­cov­er the scrub­land and cade juniper in par­tic­u­lar.

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06 49 85 82 74

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