Yoga & Forest bathing

Yoga & Forest bathing

Yoga & Forest bathing« Hap­pi­ness is not at the top of the moun­tain, but in how to climb » Con­fu­cius Yoga and walk­ing in the Pays d’Aix A mind­ful walk in har­mo­ny with your breath­ing and the rhythm of your steps. Yoga ses­sion with a view of Mont...
Yoga & Countryside

Yoga & Countryside

Yoga & Countryside« With every bite of food steeped in the herbs and oils of Provence he seemed to absorb a lit­tle more of the land that lay ahead; it was as if he were eat­ing the sur­round­ing coun­try­side. » Nina George Yoga between almond trees and laven­der...
Yoga & Côte Bleue

Yoga & Côte Bleue

Yoga & Côte Bleue« Hap­pi­ness is a sim­ple idea when fac­ing the sea. » Jean-Claude Izzo Dis­cov­er a marine sanc­tu­ary, a ruined fort and prac­tice yoga at the sum­mit. Guid­ed hike in the Mas­sif de l’Estaque (low moun­tain range of Estaque) on the blue coast,...
Yoga and Calanques

Yoga and Calanques

Yoga & Calanques« This body is the boat which will car­ry us to the oth­er shore of the ocean of life. It must be tak­en care of it. » Swa­mi Vivekanan­da Well­ness ses­sion in the heart of the Calan­ques Nation­al Park A mind­ful­ness walk in the heart of the...