Wellness and heritage trail on the Côte Bleue

Wellness and heritage trail on the Côte Bleue

Wellness and heritage trail on the Côte Bleue« Our cul­tur­al and nat­ur­al her­itage are both irre­place­able sources of life and inspi­ra­tion. » UNESCO con­ven­tion of 1972 Revi­talise your­self by dis­cov­er­ing the quar­ries of La Couronne town Walk­ing with...
Fauna and Flora focus hike

Fauna and Flora focus hike

Fauna and Flora focus hike« Look deep into nature, and then you will under­stand every­thing bet­ter » Albert Ein­stein The plants of the scrub­land and their virtues A guid­ed hike along Mediter­ranean paths, with botan­i­cal and geo­log­i­cal infor­ma­tion to help...


Agritourism« it takes place in Provence among the sheep, in the south of France in the land of fig­urines. » Hugues Aufray A jour­ney through laven­der­at the Les Grandes Marges estate A pas­toral walk along paths bor­der­ing fields of laven­der, olive trees and...