A nomadic stroll with the scent of the Orient

A nomadic stroll with the scent of the Orient

A nomadic stroll with the scent of the Orient« Mar­seille is, and always has been, the port of exiles, Mediter­ranean exiles, exiles from our for­mer colo­nial routes too (…). » Jean-Claude Izzo A taste of else­where in Mar­seille For a tru­ly exot­ic cul­tur­al...
Marseille Gourmande

Marseille Gourmande

Marseille Gourmande« You can feel some­thing ori­en­tal, you walk there at ease, you breathe hap­pi­ly, your skin expands and smells the sun like a great bath of light. » Gus­tave Flaubert Navettes bis­cuits, salty panisse and choco­late A tasty and cul­tur­al stroll...
Pastis Tour

Pastis Tour

Pastis Tour« Alco­hol is the anes­the­sia by which we endure the oper­a­tion of life.» George Bernard Shaw Dis­cov­er how ‘Petit Jaune’, anoth­er name for pastis, is made Dis­cov­er how ‘Petit Jaune’, anoth­er name for pastis, is made­Take a stroll up the hill and...